
A Journey into Creativity

Come with me on our journey

into creativity, rediscover, expressing, exploring,

learning through research, sharing & inspiring you to thrive on your path too wherever the direction drives self expression

kazsart is a helping hand a friend along with you 

use this site as a dip in dab service like it's in line with your energy levels as a prompt, guide to be used frequently when required

There's thought prompt all around this site leading us to better ways than now 

Let's get moving with conscious change

Thursday 26 October 2023

Posted on


Funny asked about being spontaneous who me? No way 

Thinking about it now another one I should add to a weekly challenge to do one a week maybe something I would never do, push my boundaries no restrictions which I have with OCD we do It's part and parcel

Do wonder how worse I would be if I lived alone not in the cards as such 

Busy yesterday just back on here today am having problems with the address something to check with the admin staff when I've finished my changes maybe take it off for now yeah I might untick that box until it's correct to do!

Foundation in place took the business page off for now placed it on the footer as extra pages I do intend to put stuff in there including these notes (not that any one would want these ha ha) 

Foundation reads a bit odd in places so going to have another go and try to get the message clear more so it's easy to pick up what I do here 

Work on our restrictions is that the theme? Not sure yet 

Focus more on the audience the customer what they want 


Podcast information that came yesterday looks promising may try that audio with more personal photos around of things for reference not sure I will do video a bit maybe to see, get the feel of it at least have a go.  Bit of spontaneous action for me lol don't know maybe!

Am not sure where to focus first what do I solve first I have a few areas I've worked on myself what type of structure do you want like I have said a dip and dab type conversation style if I can 

Have to cement my foundation in 

Set it down along with the roots and then the spring leads sprouts yeah I will do this too plus the pointers the buds to do 

Remember it has to make sense not the chaos of your mind! Calm it down keep it down to earth !

Well more work on the website first 

Thoughts into the products want quick results quick outcomes change and see it in place that I have done just do it for others now 

Had a issue with the stealing from you still can't get my head around how much people read you, take it and use it in there own even word for word I've seen that takes a bit of getting used too, they don't give you credit it's for their own use they do not have real accounts too the amount of made up names in take accounts is disgusting disturbing in my thinking and no one does anything to stop this.  Does make me see I want real people real accounts to help serve not these ones on quora 

Just I either have the option to not do this at all or carry on and get the real audience I can provide real help too.  These steals are there whether I like it or not and going to continue be there now too.  I have saw a lot of writers leave due to this I haven't yet it has and does continue to happen just my desire to help over pushes it more 

Just it takes some getting used too more funny bits about ourselves without the bullying the trolls the only ones who do comment it seems little good ones 

Do see lots of people turning comments off just that also stops the conversatios stops the work at times as it makes us question our motive for doing this help is not forthcoming in my own observations there's tons of sabotaging of others which is odd not nice either the push through long winded too very long journey on your own it's not thick skin that's needed.

The whole time I've been in social media platforms that journey has been a very long haul one still not there or working just carry on or give up our options I can see the ripples am making just for me myself I have more resistance less actions which is working in there favour if we think about it. The pushing they do is working on my thinking, why a foundation is important now to my work or all I put out is for nothing 

I have these insights that have worked for myself want others not to suffer as we have before you and I am after that helping if it can if one person sees there link here they needed that makes me smile so it is worth sticking around

Opportunity is just out of sight not knocking whoever said that is another upsides down reflection as it's us that have to do the knocking with every part we can! It does not come to us 

I understand understood children absorb what we do to learn just the copy steal thing don't let it get you down! And one thing to take away from it they see your work as value, quite valuable actually to take it as there own and we know with children they have to come back to you. Return to you as part two there clueless about as much as part one they are so get ready for when they come back. 

I do write on quora daily if you want to check me out. Would like some real honest people over there shame we can't stamp the trolls out maybe one day the platform makers will see that the creator's are who they want to stick around maybe one day they're going to see the creator's value I do see this over at youtube channels just me and video ha another thing not me. Can't stand having a photo lol. Another reason to get out of our own way sometimes don't know what's around the corner maybe one day ha ha (one for the spontaneous week task when I get the courage in check. 

Told you am quite shy in person just I can ramble a bit too much at times too. Like now am well off track now off topic too let's get back to the foundation. 

Some of my plans so far what I want for this space 

Definitely some where we can get together and have a daily chat not a deep one I do want them separately from this so topics and subjects in place too for deep conversations maybe even private and personal ones too I know messages on Facebook are a great way for that so maybe look towards that some one on one text chats with me 

Like Facebook in the real accounts too so can see heading that way in some group's maybe something to think about 

I know where I live social networking is subject to public houses pubs nothing much in our area just networking online is so much easier might just do that have a go or this website too have to see how it works have a go 

Yeah talking about problems issues maybe a good idea plus some structure ones too like in the work I have done myself like get rid of these mental blocks

Am going to do a email subscribers too if anyone's interested in this too please fill out the form and be added to my list for kazsart here or for business emails just click this link


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